
Completed Ghost Ark

I initially modeled this thing as a doomsday ark, changed my mind, broke it, and remodeled it as its counterpart.  This is the result - you'll notice upside down guns and wonky positioning.  Oh well!


Completed Triarch Stalker w/ Heat Ray

Hopefully I see a lot less of the first picture and more of the later ones.


Combat Patrols: The Story So Far

I have enjoyed a good degree of success with my combat patrol squadron thus far.  This is largely due to the high armor I was packing.  My list:

Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Night Scythe
5 Warriors
3 Scarabs

... It's not the best list, and I realized it wasn't the best list when I looked at it.  I ran it mainly because I wanted to use my fully painted night scythe.  It's been fun, but in this format, the night scythe doesn't really shine.  AV11 and only a tesla destructor for more points than a barge isn't the best.  It's not terrible, but it's not the best.

Still, the list has done pretty well so far.  Here's a breakdown from the six matches I've played:

First Match:  Grey Knights - Win
This match was fairly short.  My opponent hadn't played in a while and made his list on the spot.  After he was done, he realized that his only way to hurt my vehicles were... Krak grenades.  Bad news.

Second Match:  Imperial Guard - Win
This was a little more of a fight.  My opponent had a chimera and two troop squads, each with a missile launcher.  The night scythe got in and disabled the chimera fairly quickly, and my opponent whiffed on just about all of his high STR shots.  Tesla really shined in this game - the guard units' poor armor really hurt them.

Third Match:  Grey Knights - Win
My opponent this time was a little more seasoned - he's been playing for decades, and he's actually the guy who taught me to assemble / paint models.  He brought a more balanced squad, and it was a fun game. .  He brought an tactical squad, an assassin squad, a rhino, and the Chimera.  His tactical squad packed a psycannon.

On the first turn, I went balls out after his vehicles and destroyed them both.  I lucked up, forcing his tactical squad and assassins out so I could tesla them down.  After that, it was a matter of kiting the troop squads around, and it was a win.

Fourth Match:  Black Templar - Win
My opponent brought a pretty balanced force:  A couple tactical squads and a couple land speeders.  Unfortunately for him, his whole army only contained one missile launcher.  I wrecked the land speeders with ease, and that was enough to win the game.

Fifth Match:  Grey Knights - Win
This was the same force that I fought in the Third Match, however, a different player was using them.  The player was new, and he was being coached by the guy whom I played in the first match.  Everything ran... pretty much the same.  I blew the gun off of his chimera first turn and used the rest of the game to chip away at his forces.

Sixth Match: Necrons - Loss
I saw the list here and I knew I was in trouble - not to mention the guy I played against knows his stuff.  I was up against 3 destroyers, 2 heavy destroyers, and a squad of Warriors.  I got tabled on the third or fourth turn.  With that kind of list and my kind of list, I don't really know if I could've done anything to preclude a beating.  It was still fun though.

Thoughts from all the matches:  The scarabs were pretty damn useless in every match I played.  Running them in a squad of three made them a kill point.  Not to mention, three of my games were against grey knights, who would've sliced through them like butter.  I'm not running them any more, or at least, not like that.    The Ann. Barges worked about as well as I thought they would, which is great.

Overall, lots of fun!  I can't wait to put together a list for next week.


Staying Salty

I had a few spare moments today, so I decided to start painting my new vehicles. I switched up the type of spray paints that I used, and I'm really liking the results.


Blood Angels Color Scheme? Maybe?

Possible Blood Angels color scheme, with higher-ranking units getting more gold / beached bone / black.  Thoughts?

The Paintening II: Paint Harder

Not a bad looking crew!


400pt Combat Patrols

Hi!  My FLGS, Lost Legion Games and Comics, is having a "Combat Patrol Mini-Campaign" that should run until 6th Edition comes out, presumably in late July.  These are the rules:


Army Lists must be 400 Points or less

Force Organization Chart:
0-1 HQ
1-3 Troops
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Elite
0-1 Heavy

1 "Swing Slot" - This slot may be used to take an additional Troop, Fast Attack, Elite, or Heavy Choice.

No unique, named, or special characters

No models with more than two wounds. (Caveat: Troops and Swarms may have more than three wounds each.)

No 2+ Armor Saves

No 3+ or 2+ Invuln. saves

No AV Greater than 11 except for troop units and dedicated transports, which may have AV12.  (Any special rule or wargear that raises AV may not take it above 12, such as quantum shielding)

Psykers may not use more than one psychic power per game turn.

Games are Played on a 3'x4' area

Always Annihilation, but deployment is random

[Edit:  After earning my Juris Doctorate and passing the bar, one would think I would know how to interpret rules.  Embarrassing!  New list:]

Now that I realize I don't have to take an HQ, I'm comfortable using my Necrons.  My first instinct in small points games with Necrons is to throw a bunch of armor at my opponent, such as this:

LIST A: 395 Points

5 Necron Warriors
1 Annihilation Barge
1 Annihilation Barge
1 Triarch Stalker (Heat Ray)

The warriors are there because... well, they have to be.  I imagine that they'll spend the game in relative safety, as they represent a very easy kill point.  Ann. Barges seem perfect for this sort of gametype - high armor, and a very versatile weapon, particularly given the smaller AV potential of enemy units.  

My big conflict with this list is that it's only comprised of four units.  Obviously, that's a problem.  It means I'll have fewer kill points to give up, but a cheese victory isn't really what I'm going for here.  I'm slightly on the fence between whether I should use the Heat Ray or the Particle Shredder on the Stalker, but I think the Barges should cover any needs that would normally be taken care of by a large blast template.  

LIST B:  400 Points

5 Necron Immortals (Tesla)
9 Canoptek Scarabs
1 Annihilation Barge
1 Annihilation Barge

Much the same, but I'm subbing out my Stalker for another capable vehicle killer.  I can't use spiders because of the wound limit, but I really wish I could.  Again, my troops are kind of a throwaway, but at least this time they'd have tesla.  They'd be a little more mobile because their weapons are assault and not rapid fire.


Wraiths would be a great option, but I can't take them due to the no 3++ save rule.  That's... probably for the best.  Wraiths would be tough to beat in this format.  

Necron Destroyer with Heavy Gauss Cannons?  They'd be able to cover the whole table, but at 60 points per model, they're a considerable risk.  One lascannon shot is enough to deny an armor save, and that's a kill point.